EORNA2022_Abstract Book

10th EORNA Congress Stavanger, Norway | 12 - 15 May 2022 Symposia - Invited speakers 46 Guided Poster Walks neurological rehabilitation, and allows a faster return to daily life. Conclusions: The best results are obtained through teamwork, and designed through clinical and educational paths developed in the various stages of hospitalisation, in order to improve the quality of life and continuity of care. P15 Double mask system: reducing occupational exposure to anaesthetic gases in the paediatric operating room. A Bibliographic review G. Guiu1, C. Diez2 1Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau, Surgical Area. Nursing Department, Barcelona, Spain, 2Hospital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau, Anaesthetist Nurse. Surgical Area. Nursing Department., Barcelona, Spain Introduction: The leakage of volatile gases into the environment is considerable during general anaesthesia in paediatric patients. The operating room personnel can suffer damages associated with the continuous inhalation of volatile gases, such as toxic effects, risk of carcinogenesis, abortions, and infertility. Objective: To determine if the use of the Double Mask System in paediatric patients undergoing inhalation anaesthesia reduces the level of gas leaked into the environment to protect the exposed personnel´s health. Methodology: The Bibliographic review was carried out on literature available in Pubmed, academic google, Scopus, Epistemonikos, Ibecs, as well as grey literature. A search using a combination ok Keywords: “anaesthetics” and “double mask” and “occupational exposure” and “paediatrics” was performed. The research was executed including all articles with no language, data or type of study restrictions. The studies included focused on dental surgery, oncology surgery and minor procedure for pain. They determinate the adverse effects of anaesthetic gases used in paediatrics for the personnel and the advantages of using devices such as the Double Mask System. Two reviewers independently assessed the quality of the included studies and synthesized results. Results: A total of 17,6011 articles were reviewed by title and abstract. Seven articles corresponding to descriptive observational studies, one randomised clinical trial and one systematic review were included. In all the studies evaluated, the use of a double mask reduced the risk of gas exposure considerably compared to a single mask in ambient (33.81 vs 66.95ppm). Conclusions: The use of a double mask system in paediatric anaesthesia reduces the exposure of personnel to anaesthetic gases. Spanish regulations recommend incorporating the double mask system in the operating room to reduce the risks of exposed personnel, but its use is not mandatory. P16 Virtual nurse training software Oliva López, A.1,2 1SESCAM, Hellin Albacete, Spain, 2SESCAM, Quirofano, Hellin Albacete, Spain We´ve devised an immersive and interactive virtual reality training software to improve both working professionals ‘skills and futures´ ones in the subject of Surgery. Our purpose is to give professionals workers and teachers a high-efficiency way of learning and updating knowledge that could be demonstrated a posteriori, since this project looks at a sample of persons that could have been subjected to a cerebral mapping(*QEEG) or if it is defected, the most indicated techniques, to detect differences, if there are any significant ones, between people who were trained by our programme and those who weren´t. With this option, we aim to send this learning method and that it could be recognized by the EEES in the near future, being homogenized by these 48 members countries, being implemented in both public or private health systems. At this time, Spain has a population, according to the statistic national institute (INE), of about 247.974 working nurses (2017, May) with an annual growth of 2,7%, as well as a population of 291,84 8doctors, which increased 2.7%, an indication that it´s an adequate population to implement this project of teaching and learning before they can perform on live patients during de clinical practicum MIR or EIR.