ECFS 2020 - Optimizing pharmaceutical care in cystic fibrosis

310 OPTIMIZING PHARMACEUTICAL CARE IN CYSTIC FIBROSIS MEDICINES OPTIMIZATION IN PATIENTS ON NTM THERAPY CHAPTER 19 M. abscessus therapy, the aim during the second course was to formulate a toler- able regimen that would allow treatment to continue for as long as possible. For this reason, the antibiotics were started in a staggered manner and the aminoglyco- side regimen was modified. In addition, the anti-emetic plan was carefully constructed, reviewed daily and made in partnership with the patient, considering the severity and occurrence of her symptoms, and her wishes. Key interventions included stop- ping or pausing some medicines such as her regular oral medications when she was struggling taking them due to nausea, and maximizing nutrition with advice from the dietician regarding oral intake, supple- ments and food choices. This multidisci- plinary patient-centered approach, which also included expert microbiological input, enabled the patient to get the most out of her drug therapies - an underlying principle of medicines optimization. Communica- tion with the patient remains key to this approach, and ensures medicine use is as safe and efficacious as possible when using such complex regimens.